Summer Camps!

Summer Camp 2025

Join us in learning about “Another Way” of living through Jesus!

Jesus often confronted the world around him with another way of living and by his example, we are reminded that God always invites us to reimagine who we are and how we do things.  Being at camp, we are already finding another way, apart from the trappings and distractions of home.  In the peace of this space, we will explore what would change if we lived by Jesus example.  We will imagine how our personal change meets the change we seek in the world.  We know that God calls us to do a new thing and faithfully forge another way through Jesus.

  • Day 1: Psalm 46: 1-3, 10 Be Still
  • Day 2: Luke 18:9-14 Get Real
  • Day 3: Acts 9:1-22 Know and Grow
  • Day 4: Matthew 3:1-6 Wild Ideas
  • Day 5: Numbers 27:1-8 Change the Rules
  • Day 6: Acts 10:1-36 All In
  • Day 7: Isaiah 43:19-21 Go!